Are We Being Pimped By The Government ?

There's a hood everywhere there are gang members thugs killers murders drug dealers EVERYWHERE there is not one part of the world where there aren't!! As Well Ass Drug addicts everywhere & thieves everywhere!!

 The misunderstood individuals aren't always a minority these people aren't always black or Hispanic!!

However, I look deeper into things and have allot of questions such as:
where are they getting these things? the FEDS !

Who's Distributing these items the FEDS !
For what? so they can have something to throw someone (Mostly minority) in jail for!

 The Guns ? I Believe the feds and government sold guns to whoever for reasons like killing each other! Everyday its a reoccurring issue everywhere because they are playing the people against each other.

 Sell them guns so they can get into an altercation maybe misunderstanding and they pull out their guns and BANG !! They're dead now there's our case he took someone out now we can take him out!!

 Meanwhile the government is constantly taking money away from the schools to educate these children to be our future doctors and lawyers making the world a better place instead you treat them bad take away from their future by kicking them out of school telling them they are never gonna be shit!

 Turning them to the streets to chase fast cash.

 That Money they been taking away from schools? They have been putting it towards creating prisons for men who shoot and kill each other with guns they provided to them over drugs they created and sold to them over money they were eventually gonna get back!!

american revolution. 1774
 They want to judge our black men and other ethnicity's and treat them bad because they are in "Gangs", "Crips", "Bloods" & Etc Waving Flags Fighting Over Blocks That aren't theirs, however you can go way way back in history and see that the white men had a gang, fighting over territory that wasn't theirs killing innocent people in each and every war in Americas history !

The Police is a GANG, Carrying guns to protect themselves from the dangers of the world yet arresting individuals for carrying guns to protect themselves from the dangers of the streets the government created!

 The Army Is A GANG soon as another state come over here and start something they will go and retaliate and in the hood its the same damn way!

The Marines Still a GANG
 The Navy Is A GANG
 The Democrats Is A GANG
The Republicans Is A GANG
The Feds Is A GANG Hell They Are The Gang Making The Most Profit  !!

They Have All the Money The Biggest Drug Dealers Murders Gun Shop And ETC. Not To Mention They asked everyone if they'd like to legalize weed and turned around and made it so you cant smoke til you are 21 that's the dumbest shit EVER now the government is the bud man and finna be TAXING that was a good trick

 They also tricked people by putting these damn Bottles in the grocery store alcohol bottles knowing people are going to be stealing them which they have and then they are going to arrest them for it and take all the money they have on them!!

 Where I'm From (Seattle) They Put This Train You have To Buy A Ticket for Or A Tap Your Card To Get On But They Don't Really Make That So clear & People End Up Getting On not knowing to pay their fare and top flight security get on & try to abuse they're authority take advantage of their authority tryna take people to jail for no reason!

 The government does have enough money to help the less fortunate individuals out by helping them get jobs but they are constantly turning certain people down because they don't have the education but they kicked them out of school or the way they look their backgrounds looking down on them so they turn to fast money which they feds want them to do so they could rapidly fill in the cells in the new jails they are creating little do they know its not changing anything not making them any better and yet the threw them in jail but they are setting them up to go to war in jail testing them like lab rats to see who will crack under pressure letting them kill each other and etc.

 Or Maybe The Promotion of drugs violence and guns on TV in the movies! Turning tricking parents into thinking the cartoons are showing positive things to your children but its really showing them the negative in cartoon form.

 TV is to blame for Influencing these young girls to become drawn to Stripping and Prostitution.

     We are often frowned upon as human beings for following the footsteps of what the american government and becoming a product of our american history environment yano!

     Another thing I've noticed was teen pregnancy can often be referred to as and issue in most urban communities and suburban communities as well!

A young girl plays with the Breast Milk Baby doll.
     However what do they expect these young females to do when they give us baby dolls at the age 1 and up and tell us that's our baby take care of our baby doll that's basically preparing these children for teen parenthood right? because right now over a 100 females in my city alone that know one another are pregnant and have kids from ages 15- Early 20's its impeccable.

 You see how they give kids toy guns bubble pipes candy cigarettes and etc various things for adults they have for kids preparing them for the future the government would like them to have its all a game !! You have to be more aware of things always pay attention to detail because there's always something going on behind the scenes you never know about and someone works for someone we are being set up!!!! Theres allot going on we do not know of but one day I will find out !
But Ask yourself This if the FEDS arent the ring leaders how are they busting all these people the way they are why do they let people do the crimes and then arrest them for it ? they normally just make you make more money for them then lock you up and throw away the Key we are being pimped by the government!!
